Attract Purple Martins to Your Yard


Purple Martins are the ideal guest for your backyard because they help to reduce the mosquito and insect population, which makes it easier for you and your family to enjoy spending time in the yard.  Attracting these useful birds can be tricky, but once you have attracted them to your yard, it is likely that they will stay for many years to come. 

It is a good idea to find out first if Purple Martins are prevailant in your area.  If Purple Martins are in abundance in the area around your home, then you will probably have a better chance at attracting.  In addition, Purple Martins looked for flat areas to settle in.  A Purple Martin bird house near a lake or open field makes attracting them easier because they are aerial feeders and like to fly in open spaces.

A great way to attract more Purple Martins to your yard is to install a Purple Martin bird house, Plastic 12 Room Purple Martin House, near a flat area.  Installing a purple martin bird house is easy and helps to attract more Purple Martins because these types of birds prefer to live in a colony.  Choose an apartment-style house or Purple Martin gourds to make your yard more inviting.  

If you are new to attracting Purple Martins, choose a Purple Martin house that is smaller in size or install a small grouping of Purple Martin gourds.  You may also want to place a purple martin decoy by the house to initially attract purple martins.  If a Purple Martin thinks a home is already occupied, he or she will be more likely to make the bird house in your yard their new home.

Once you have an established Purple Martin colony, then you can install a larger Purple Martin bird house to accommodate a growing Purple Martin colony.