Tips on Traveling with Dogs

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go.

The holiday’s are quickly coming upon us and many of us will be traveling across town or across the country to visit family. What about Fido? Will he stay or will he go?  Manufacturers are becoming more innovative with Pet Travel Supplies and that in turn has made traveling with pets much easier.

Most dogs love jumping in the car and going for a drive. However, just because your dog is happy taking the passenger’s seat doesn’t mean you don’t have to take the necessary precautions to keep him safe while he’s in the car.

Here are some tips to help you keep your puppy safe while you’re behind the wheel.

  • No Beds: If you’ll be taking your dog for a drive in a pickup truck, don’t allow him to ride in the bed. Dogs can not only fall out of truck beds, but they can also jump from them. Also, never keep your dog tied to the bed of the truck. If he is tethered and jumps or falls, he could choke himself.
  • No Driver, No Dog: You should never leave your dog in an unattended car. In hot weather, your dog could suffocate or experience heat stroke. In cold weather, he could experience hypothermia. Even in the best of weather it isn’t a good idea to leave your dog alone in the car, as someone could steal him from your vehicle.
  • No Front Seat: If you have an airbag in your dashboard, you should not allow your dog to ride in the front passenger seat, as a deploying air bag could injure or even kill him. Air bags are designed to protect adults sitting approximately 20 inches from the dash. A dog’s head is generally much lower than an adult’s and could be much closer to the dash.
  • Secure Your Dog: Many dog owners allow their dogs to sit unsecured in the car. While this may be fun for your dog, it is also vary dangerous, both for dog and driver. Dogs can jump on the driver’s lap, get under the pedals or obscure the driver’s view. Also, in the event of an accident or sudden stop, you dog could be seriously injured.To keep your dog as safe as possible, keep him in a dog carrier or in a restraining harness. You should be able to find both of these items at your local pet store.
  • Ultimate Seat Leash by Hamilton
  • Watch Your Windows: Most dogs love to stick their heads out of the window when riding in a car. While your dog might enjoy sniffing the new smells and letting the wind blow his fur, an unrolled window puts your dog at risk.To keep objects from hitting your dog’s head and to keep him from leaping from the car, open the window a few inches only. This will allow him to sniff the air but will keep his neck inside the vehicle.

Dog Travel Accessories for Extended Trips
If you’ll be taking a long road trip with your dog, you’ll need to arm yourself with the proper dog travel accessories.

Take a look at this list of Pet Travel Accessories List – to get started.

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