Bird Feeding and Bird Watching are on the Rise

Bird watching is the perfect vehicle for understanding the natural world. The increase in bird watching hobbyists align with Americans reaching back to the roots of nature to enjoy the creatures that we share our worlds with. There are so many ways to watch and enjoy wild birds.
An accurate indication of the level of interest in bird-watching today is the financial investment that American’s are making in feeding wild birds.
A recent survey by the Wildlife Associated Recreation reveled that Americans spend more than half a billion dollars each year on bird feeding!
This estimate is conservative – the total is probably in excess of one billion dollars.
This total represents cost of bird feeders, hummingbird feeders, suet cakes, and all types of wild bird food.
The widespread feeding of wild birds has had positive effects for North American birds.  Feeding has enhanced the winter survival of a number of bird species that just were not going to make it.
Fifty years ago cardinals and titmice were not found eas of the Hudson River. Now you can find cardinals through most of New England and also throughout the Great Lakes Region and Michigan.
Although feeding wild birds can be very beneficial – both to you, your family and the birds, it can also be a problem if your feeders are not clean. Dirty feeders can spread fatal salmonella and avian pox. Moldy seed can transmit a fungal disease called aspergillosis. Make sure that you clean your feeders regularily.
Pictured above is a NO-NO Feeder which is a very good feeder to start with.  It stops squirrels and is very rugged.   Very well liked among patrons.