Back to Basics: How to Attract Birds to Your Yard


If you are new to attracting birds to your yard, the most important thing you need to do is to create a bird friendly habitat in your yard. Birds require shelter, food, and water. Adding these essentials to your yard to fulfill basic bird needs can help attract a lot of birds to your yard.

Shelter. This very basic need can simply be filled by a variety of ways. The simplest way to add shelter is to add a man-made bird house. The majority of birds love to inhabit man-made bird houses. Bird houses are very attractive to birds because they offer great protection from the elements and predators. Try using a simple home such as the Recycled Plastic Lumber Hanging Birdhouse to attract birds to your yard. In addition to man-made bird houses, birds also like to make homes in Evergreen trees. Planting Evergreens in your yard is great for birds who winter in cold climates and a variety of birds in the summer time.

Food. By just adding one feeder to your yard, you will greatly increase the amount of birds visiting your yard. There several varieties of feeders to choose from that appeal to a wide range of birds. If you are just starting out, pick a feeder and seed that appeals to a wide variety of birds and you will be able to observe a variety of birds. A great seed that appeals to a variety of birds is Lyric Wild Bird Mix Wild Bird Seed. Another way to provide birds with food is to plant vegetation that appeals to birds. Planting annuals and perennials, which are attractive to birds and thrive in your geographic location, can provide another source of nutrition to birds.

Water. Having a fresh source of water is essential for attracting birds. This can be accomplished several ways, but the easiest way to add a man-made bird bath. A variety of natural and man-made objects can be used to accomplish this. A terracotta, ceramic, resin, or concrete birdbath can be placed anywhere in your bird habitat. A simple terracotta bird bath, such as the Audubon Deck-Mounted Bird Bath, can be attached to a deck or placed on a table or stump. Make sure to keep birdbath filled. Other simple solutions include: a natural stump with a hollowed center, a rock filled hole in the ground, or a small water feature. Be creative and add a variety of birdbaths to the habitat for the birds to enjoy.