How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Summer Garden


If you live in the northern part of the United States, your chances of attracting hummingbirds to your yard are less likely than someone living in the south. Fewer species of this beautiful, unique bird travel north during the summer and only one species makes the trip to southern Alaska. Creating an inviting backyard habitat is essential for attracting hummingbirds. A backyard filled with filled with fragrant flowers, hummingbird feeders, and insects is ideal for attracting hummingbirds.

Hummingbirds love to get the nectar from flowers and are very attracted to garden with a variety of vibrant colors. It is a good idea to choose flowers that bloom throughout the entire summer season. Some favorite plants of hummingbirds are honeysuckle, morning glories, hollyhocks, gladiolus and begonias. To make the most of your plantings, plant the taller plants toward the back of the garden and the shorter blooms toward the front. You may also want to plant some flowering bushes and trees around or near your garden to help attract more birds.

Feeders that are designed for hummingbirds are essential for attracting hummingbirds to your yard. Typically, hummingbird feeders, such as the Garden Jewels Hummingbird Feeder, have the color red on the feeder to get the bird’s attention. There are a wide variety of feeders available that are ideal for attracting hummingbirds and come in an assortment of fun shapes and styles. The feeder should be filled with sweet, pre-mixed nectar that hummingbirds need to feed on to get lots of calories for high energy. If you use a clear feeder or a feeder that is not brightly colored, use a red nectar mix to attract hummingbirds.

Hummingbirds also need a source of protein to keep their bodies strong and healthy. These amazing little birds get their protein from insects found on the flowers. Offering a variety of flowers that attract insects is a great protein source for hummingbirds. Hummingbirds will even eat on the insects that get stuck in tree sap for a protein snack. It is important not to use an insect spray on your plants in the garden that will kill the insects.

Once you have established your hummingbird habitat, you may want to keep your binoculars handy to catch a glimpse of this fascinating bird. For more products and bird tips, go to Rachel’s Robin for a large selection of bird supplies.