Automated Cat Repellents Stop Bad Kitty Behavior

If your cat likes to scratch furniture or other items around your house, you know that getting your cat to stop can be a challenge.  When training your cat to stop a destructive behavior, it is a good idea to use a deterrent to help reinforce good behavior.  An automated cat repellent can be very helpful when trying to get your cat to doing bad behavior, even when you are not around and without having to take the time to train your cat.

An automated cat repellent like SSSCAT Automated Cat Repellent by Multipet is ideal for helping to deter your cat from doing a bad behavior.  This automatic cat repellent is so easy to use and may be set up any where in your home.  As soon as it senses movement, it releases a brisk spray that startles your cat and encourages your cat to move away.  This spray is safe for use around your cat and will not stain your carpet or leave a bad scent in the room.  With the use of this automated cat repellent, your cat will learn quickly without training.

Another great automated cat repellent is the PetSafe Pawz Away Spray Deterrent.  This automated cat repellent is also designed to give your cat a quick spray that makes your cat want to run away quickly and can sense movement up to three feet away.  Place this automated cat repellent in a place that your cat likes to cause damage and your cat will learn quickly to stop that behavior without you having to get mad or having to train your cat.  The spray is non scented and safe for use around your cat.

If your cat has a bad behavior that you want to stop, an automated cat repellent is ideal for deterring your cat without the hassle of training your cat.

Keep Your Cat from Destroying Your Houseplants

Cats love to nibble on houseplants and this can be unhealthy for your cat and your houseplants.  Not only do cats love to nibble on houseplants, but they also like to use the soil as an alternative to the litter box.  Without having to get rid of your houseplants, there are several things that you can do so that your cat and houseplants can co-exist without having problems.

  • Give your cat a plant of his own.  A great plant to grow for your cat is catnip grass.  The Cosmic Catnip Gardenby Cosmic Pet Products makes growing your own catnip easy and covenient for any cat owner.  This product consists of two pre-planted containers of catnip that allows you to just water and sunlight.  Your cat will love the fresh taste of catnip.  In addition, you can also find out cat-friendly plants that are safe for your cat to nibble on and that will help to keep their interest away from your other plants.
  • Keep your plants off of the ground.  Use a hanging planter inside your home to keep your cats away from your plants.  The Audubon 14 inch Wall Bracket is easy to install anywhere in your home and extends 14 inches away from the wall to securely hold your houseplant.
  • Use a cat repellent on your large houseplants.  The Grannicks Bitter Apple for Cats Pet Dabber is a non-toxic cat repellent and has a bitter taste that cats don’t like.  Use the dabber on the leaves of your large houseplants to help deter the cats from nibbling on your plants.
  • Cover the soil with rocks.  By adding rocks to the soil, it will be harder for your cat to have access to the soil for eliminating body fluids into.  Use rocks that are large enough to make it harder for your cat to move, but small enough to fit your planter.
  • Make sure your litter box is cleaned on a regular basis.  Cats love to have clean litter boxes, so it is important to keep it clean for your cat.  This will help to encourage your cat to use the litter box instead of your plant.