So You Want a Pet

If you are a looking for a pet that is low maintenance; think about the following.    You want a pet that you can interact with and one that is easy maintenance.  We all have heard our kids say that they will take care of the pet, but we all know that ultimately, it is the parent’s job.    If you get a pet that is easy to care for, you have a good chance that your child will  care for it and learn a good lesson in responsibility.

Guinea pigs are a great choice for a first pet. Guines pigs weigh a couple of pounds and  live an average of five to seven years (twice as long as rats and gerbils).   Guinea pigs are generally a calm animal who will let out little squeaks as a way of communicating their happiness.  They are social animals who need interaction and attention on a daily basis for their well being.  They need time out their cage that can consistof  spending time in your lap or exploring  a new area of the house (while you carefully monitor her movement). 

Guinea Pig Supplies  

– Solid-bottom cage with wire cover or plastic-bottom “tub” cage (minimum four square feet of cage space per pig)
– Guinea pig pellets
– Aspen or hardwood shavings
– Timothy  hay
– Bed
– Attachable water bottle with drinking tube
– Food dish
– Safe chew toy Toys

Check out GregRobert Pet Supplies for a great selection of guinea pig supplies.