Offering Your Backyard Birds Nesting Materials


Many natural nesting materials that exist in your backyard are often chewed up into minuscule pieces by lawn mowers.  Birds do not want to nest in a backyard that does not have many available nesting materials.  It is guaranteed that they will not stop to nest at a yard if they when they see a neatly manicured lawn.

Since chances are you do not want to stop mowing your lawn, you should be glad to hear that there are ways to augment your lack of natural nesting materials!  There are a plethora of materials you can offer to nesting birds.  Birds will be eager to accept any materials that are soft, can be easily manipulated into a nest, and will supply warmth.  There are some items you may have lying around your house that you can provide to birds.  This includes yard, string, and bits of cloth.  Be sure that pieces are tiny (less than 6 inches).  Birds also like hair, so you can save hair from human hair brushes or dog brushes and give it to birds!

If you do not have enough nesting materials lying around your horse, you can always buy them.  For example, you can buy Nesting Hair for Pet Birds, which is clean hair that is perfect for insulating bird nests.  Or, you can get Nesting Material for Pet Birds, which contains cotton fibers.

When providing birds nesting materials, it is important to leave the materials scattered throughout your yard.  Good places to put them are over tree branches and draped over shrubbery.  You can purchase a Single Suet for Wild Birds, and hang it over a branch.  You can fill this Single Suet with an assortment of nesting materials, and the birds can pick through it and choose the materials they want!  It is always important to keep the nesting materials closest to where birds live (ex. trees), because whenever they have to leave the trees they risk exposure to predators.

Lastly, you should also provide birds with nesting boxes.  While some birds will reject artificial nesting homes, many birds who are used to living near people will gladly accept them! I would recommend the Nesting Pocket Bird House, shown above.  The entrance is made of strong yarn, a product that birds commonly choose to use in their nests.  The roof is made of galvanized steel, which will protect the inside of the house from the weather.