Is Your Barking Dog Making You Crazy?

A known fact is that all dogs bark.  If you have dog you know that is true.  Unfortunately, some dogs bark more than their owners would like and the owner would like to correct the issue. 

The first thing we need to know is why do dogs bark?   Basically, barking is a dog’s way of communicating.  When you arrive home, you dog barks to greet you. He may bring a toy to you to play and let out a couple of woofs to let you know he wants to play.A dog will bark by the door to let you know he need to be let out to do his business.  Some dogs will bark at the cupboard where the treats are kept to let their owner know they want a treats.  You dog barks when he sees a stranger outside to warn you a stranger is near.  In order to protect you, the loudest and easiest thing to do for your dog is to bark.   Your dog may bark because he is full of energy and needs to release it.  If the energy can’t be released through play or a walk, he barks to let the energy out.

A friendly greeting bark or a “burglar is outside” barking  should be welcomed.   However, persistent barking can be overwhelming to an owner.  If you feel your dog’s barking is incessant and a nuisance there are few things you can try to curtail the barking.   First, exercise and play with your dog.   If he can let out his energy in a positive way, the barking may stop.  Take him to parks so he can socialize with other dogs and people to alleviate the stranger barking. You can also give him cbd oil for dogs and see if that works.

There are many dogs who are loved and well exercised, but still bark all the time.  In that case, you may want to try a bark control collar.

One type of  bark contol collar is the Anti-Bark Citronella Spray Collar  works by the collar releasing a harmless citronella spray each time your dog barks.  The microphone in the collar will detect the barking and immediately release the citronella.   The dog is instantly distracted by the sight, smell, sound, and sensation of the gentle  spray and stops barking. Your dog becomes conditioned to expect the spray and will instinctively refrain from excessive barking to avoid it.  The Anti-Bark Citronella Spray Collar  comes complete with an adjustable collar, spray device, battery, training manual and citronella spray refill.

Anti bark dog devices are offered in every imaginable variety – shock collars, tone collars, handheld tone devices, citronella spray collars and more.  Pick the one you think would be best for your dog and enjoy the silence.