Choosing a Hopper-Style Bird Feeder


This popular type of bird feeder is perfect for a variety of wild birds and is available in a variety of styles. The basic style includes a platform-style base with a covered roof and sides, such as the Redwood Hopper Bird Feeder w/ 7 lb capacity. Another type of hopper feeder, such as the Garden Song Red Tube Feeder with Seed Catcher, consists of a tube with a plate at the bottom for catching bird seed. Other shapes of hopper feeders include round, square, rectangular or tube shaped.

No matter what style you choose, bird seed is dispensed by gravity as the birds take the bird seed from the feeder. The bird seed may taken from the bottom or opening along the sides that allow the seed to be taken at multiple locations. This type of feeder holds a large amount of seed and ideal for feeding multiple birds.

Hopper-style feeders may be adjusted or chosen depending on the type of bird that you want to attract. A feeder that has smaller holes is ideal feeding small types of birds. Tube feeders that don’t have perches are great for feeding chickadees, nuthatches, and other types of birds that cling. Other types of feeders are designed for use with large types of birds.

When filling up your hopper-style feeder with bird seed, take in consideration the type of bird that you would like to attract. If you use a mixed bird seed, some may be discarded by the birds to get to the seed that they want to eat. For more helpful bird tips and great bird products, check out Rachel’s Robin.