Attracting Titmice Birds to your Feeders

The titmouse blends in with nuthatches and chickadees – so many wild bird hobbyists don’t pay alot of attention to the titmouse. 

Besides their unassuming beauty, titmice have unique qualities that are worth watching. After the nesting season, titmice don’t join bird flocks, but they stay together as a bird pair throughout the winter. Wild bird enthusiasts report
seeing titmice pairs at feeders all winter long.  In many cases, they are with offspring from the previous summer. 

Titmice are sociable little birds that get along just fine with other birds at your feeder. Known for their big black eyes and little crest on top of their heads make them easy to identify. They’ll enjoy suet, sunflower seeds and peanuts. 

8 Tips to attract Titmice to your backyard:

  • Plant seed and nut trees such as evergreens, beechnut and oak.
  • Plant berry bushes such as elderberry and bayberries. 
  • The Titmouse will be a frequent visitor to your feeders in the winter. Provide a feeding station with a
    hopper feeder and plenty of perching space. 
  • Since Titmice are agile birds, consider a peanut or sunflower feeder as shown to the right. Fill it with peanut kernels or black oil sunflower seed. 
  • Place out a platform feeder and fill it with peanut kernels, grapes, apples or berries. 
  • Offer a suet feeder placed near the trunk of a tree. 
  • Smear peanut butter onto tree trunks and branches periodically. 
  • Offer a birdbath as a source of water for drinking and bathing.