Ready-to-Hang Bird Feeders are Perfect for Winter Bird Feeding


When it is cold and snowy outside, it can be difficult to get outside to fill up your bird feeder for birding feeding.  A ready-to-use bird feeder makes feeding the birds simple, easy, and quick.  Just hang up the ready-to-use bird feeder in your yard and watch the birds feed from the bird feeder all season long.  This type of feeder requires no extra work and is easy to hang on a tree branch or a post in your yard.

A great ready-to-use bird feeder for a variety of birds is the Peanut Delight Log by C and S Products.  This ready-to-use bird feeder is made of peanut butter suet that is sure to attract all kinds of birds to your yard this winter.  Log may be hung or mounted to a pole and requires no maintenance. 

The Ready to Use Nyjer Sack is ideal for feeding finches and other types of songbirds in warmer, winter climates.  The sack is pre-filled and only requires installation on a pole or tree branch.  Stay warm and watch the finches come to your yard for a great snack. 

To give the birds an extra boost of high energy during the winter to help them get warm, try feeding the birds the Hi-Energy Hanging Suet Feeder.  This suet is made of a variety of high protein seed and high fat beef suet that is great for winter bird feeding and may be given to any bird during the winter.  Just hang in a tree branch or on a post for the birds.

A fun ready-to-use bird feeder is the Birdie Chalet Suet Cake by Pine Tree Farms.  This ready-to-use bird feeder contains all kinds of wholesome ingredients that are healthy for the birds in a cute chalet shape.  Your birds will love the peanuts, blueberries, and more.  Great for year round bird feeding!