Celebrate the New Year with the Birds


To make the new year festive for the birds, give the birds in your yard a special treat this new year.  A great tasting bird seed is sure to lure a variety of birds to your yard.  With so few birds around in the winter, it is a great time to use a special seed mix to attract the birds that have stayed for the winter.  During the winter, birds need bird seed that is high in protein and high in fat to help them survive.

A great winter bird seed for the birds is the Kaytee Black Oil Sunflower Bird Seed.  This bird seed contains high quality black oil sunflower seeds that birds love to eat.  Black oil sunflower seeds are high in both protein and fat and perfect for feeding the birds in the winter.  A wide variety of birds love to eat this type of seed and will be attracted to your bird feeders all winter long.

If you live in a warmer climate and have finches all year love, a great bird seed for finches is the Kaytee Wild Finch Bird Seed.  This seed may be given to a variety of finches all year long and is ideal for use in a finch bird feeder.  Fortified with a mineral supplement and high in protein and fat, your backyard birds will stay healthy all winter long.

To help boost energy and add some variety to the bird’s diet, try using a bird seed like Peterson Field Guides Flourish Wild Bird Food.  Made with a variety of tasty nuts like almonds, peanuts, pecans, and cashews, the birds in your backyard will go crazy for this great tasting bird seed.  The mix of nuts gives the birds a variety of flavors that birds love to eat and the high protein and fat source that birds need for survival.

Essential Items for a New Puppy

Bringing home a new puppy for the first time is a very exciting experience, which can make it difficult to remember all of the essential items that you will need for your puppy.  It is a good idea to make sure that you have all of the essential items that you will need at home before you go to pick up your puppy. You will also want to make sure you’re in shape because now you have to keep up with a very energetic pup. Look at Bioharmony complex plus reviews and see if it’s right for you, it works pretty well for slimming up.

Once you have picked up your puppy, you will want to have those items ready and available for your puppy.  It is also a good idea to talk to the breeder beforehand to see what type of food your puppy eats, the toys he likes to play with and so on…

  • A crate. When picking up your puppy directly from the breeder, make sure that you have a crate, like the Life Stages – Double Door Dog Crates, with you to carry and transport your puppy in.  A crate is not only great for transporting your puppy, it is also makes a secure place for your puppy to sleep in throughout the day or at night. It will also keep your puppy safe and out of trouble if you have to leave your home.
  • A food and water dish.  Get a food and water dish before you take your puppy home, so you can have your puppy’s eating area ready for him when he arives home.   Ask your breeder if your type of puppy has any dish requirements.  Also, if you have a small breed dog, then choose a dish that is small for little dogs and easy for your dog to eat and drink from.  If your dog is a big breed dog, then choose a dish for a large breed.  Your puppy will be growing by leaps and bounds, so it is a good idea to get a dish that is the appropriate size to avoid buying a new dish every time your puppy grows.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) has become one of the latest buzz words in the health, beauty, and fitness worlds, according to this site your fur baby can also enjoy the benefits of CBD to improve their quality of life.
  • A collar and leash.  Before you pick up your puppy, ask your breeder for a measurement of your dog’s neck size and a recommedation for the type of collar that works best for that breed.  A great type of collar for any breed is a nylon collar.  A nylon collar is very sturdy and durable and will hold up well for a long time. When buying the collar, don’t forget the leash.  You will need the leash for walking your puppy and for any types of behaviour training that you have to do at home.  It is also a great idea to purchase an ID tag to help identify your puppy if he escapes from your home or yard.
  • Yard Containment. If you don’t already have a fence, keeping your puppy contained can be a challenge.  Use a outdoor pen if your puppy is small enough. If your puppy is too big for an outdoor pen, use a trolley or stake with a chain, such as the Cider Mill Puppy Tieout, to allow your puppy some freedom to find the special bathroom place.  Once your puppy has gotten a little older and bigger, you may want to consider a more permanent solution, such as an electric fence to keep your puppy safely contained in your yard.
  • Housebreaking Pads and Cleaning Solution.  These items are critical for any puppy owner and make house breaking a lot easier on you and a lot less stressful.  The Wee-Wee Pads Puppy Housebreaking Pads are great for absorbing urine and odor and make cleaning up pet waste much easier. Use a solution, like Petastic Stain and Odor Remover, to remove the stain and odor and prevent your puppy from going again in that spot.
  • Toys.  It is a great idea to purchase a variety of toys for your new puppy to play with.  A soft toy will be comforting and fun to chew on, while a ball or tug toy will help your puppy to release some energy.

Being prepared for your new puppy makes the transition less stressful for both you and your puppy.  It will help to make your puppy feel welcome and more secure with his new home and allow to spend more time just bonding with your beautiful, new puppy!  For a great selection of both puppy and dog supplies, check out GregRobert Pet Supplies.

Leash Accessories that Make Walking Your Dog Safe

Fall is the perfect time to enjoy taking your dog for a long walk.

The air is crisp and clear and many times the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.  Your dog will love you for it.

During the fall, the daylight hours become less and less and keeping your dog easily visible to passing cars is very important for you and your dog’s safety. There are some great safety items that make it easy for others to see you and your dog when the daylight fades.

For walking with your dog, use a leash that is easily visible to cars as they drive by.  A leash with reflective material or light is great for getting others to see you.  In addition, a retractable leash allows you to control the length of the leash to keep your dog a safe distance from cars.

Another great item to help keep your dog visible and safe is the Safe-T-Tag Pet Collar ID Tag by Ethical.  This ID tag attaches to your dog’s collar and lights up brightly to make your dog visible at night and has a fun bone shape.  It is water resistant and motion activated, which makes it great for wearing all day long.

For multiple dog owners, walking with multiple dog leashes can be a challenge and it can make walking your dogs unsafe. When walking more than one dog, use the Double-Dog Coupler by Sporn to keep your dogs close by your side.  This coupler makes walking multiple dogs safer and easier for you to control and easily attaches to your dog’s collar and a single leash.

Using these accessories throughout the day, help to keep you and your dog safer when walking.

For a great selection of leashes and leash accessories, check out GregRobert Pet Supplies.

Keep Your Dog Out of Your Cat’s Food

Most dog and cat owners have to keep an eye out for their dog when feeding their cat to prevent their dog from eating the cat’s food first.  Not only does this make it difficult for your cat to enjoy eating their daily meals, but it is unhealthy for your dog and he or she may become overweight.  Here are some tips to follow to make your cat’s meal time easier and more relaxing for both you and your cat:

  • Pick a set time each day to feed your cat. If you pick a particular time everyday to feed your cat, you can make sure to keep your dog away when your cat is eating.  In addition, your cat will be more motivated to eat the food right away if he or she is only eating at a certain time of day, instead of having the food sit out all day. Moist cat food, such as Earthborn Holistic,is easy to feed in this way and is more likely to be eaten by your cat right away.
  • Choose a location that is not accessible to your dog. Place your cat’s food container in a higher location or in a place where your dog is not able to get to. This works out well if your cat likes to nibble on dry cat food all day long. If you have the space, you may want to use a feeder like Automatic Pet Feeder by Van Ness in a secluded or high up location.
  • Use a pet gate to close off your cat’s eating area. A pet gate, like the Metal Walk Thru Dog Gate, is a great way to keep your dog out of your cat’s food. This type of gate is easy for you to pass through, while it keeps your dog out of the cat’s food and reduces the amount of hassle caused by trying to separate the two types of animals.

Protect Your Bird Feeder from the Elements with a Rain Guard


Keeping your bird seed fresh is a concern when the weather is wet. 

Updated:  October 11, 2010 

Two elements that can destroy your bird seed are rain and snow.  These two elements can make it soggy and wet, which can harbor bacteria and mold.  To help prevent your bird seed from becoming ruined, a rain guard on your bird feeder can be very beneficial for protecting the bird seed and keeping it fresh. 

Here are a few feeders that are great for a variety of feeders. Brushed Copper Weather Shield by Aubudon Woodlink. 

This beautiful rain baffle is made of copper that weathers nicely with age. It may be easily attached to the top of your bird feeder for protection from rain and snow.  In addition, it is 18 inches in diameter and that is great for offering birds some shelter from the elements while they eat.  It also looks great with a variety of copper bird feeders for a coordinated look.

Another fun, decorative rain guard that looks great with a variety of bird feeders is the Decorative Bird Feeder Dome 14 in. .  This attractive rain guard is made of a durable polycarbonate that is virtually unbreakable and the dome is 14 inches in diameter to offer birds plenty of shelter when eating from your tube feeder.  The decorative design on the cleardome will instantly add character to any tube bird feeder and it is very easy to install on top of the feeder.

The Seattle Rain Guard for Bird Feeders is a simple and easy-to-install rain guard that looks great any tube bird feeder.  It is designed to easily slip on a variety of Droll Yankee bird feeders or other tube bird feeders that are two and a half inches in diameter. The UV stabilized polycarbonate dome is resistant to breaking and won’t become discolored from exposure from the sun.  Not only is it great protection from your bird seed, but also protects the birds from rain and snow.

Prevent the Squirrels from Getting the Bird Seed with an Economical Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder


Keeping the squirrels away from your bird feeder this summer can be a challenge.  However, a squirrel-proof bird feeder will help prevent the squirrels from getting onto the bird feeder and taking out the bird seed without a lot of hassle.  In addition to keeping the squirrels away from eating bird seed from the bird feeder, squirrel-proof bird feeders help to attract more birds to your yard by helping to ensure that the birds get to eat the bird seed.  Here are a few very effective squirrel-proof bird feeders that will keep the squirrels and won’t break the bank:

  • The Squirrel Proof Caged Port Tube Bird Feederby Audubon Woodlink has a cage around every feeding ports to help prevent the squirrels from getting to the bird seed.  It’s unique design makes it effective at preventing the squirrels from eating the bird seed and allows the birds eat without the fear of squirrels bothering them.
  • Another economical, yet effective squirrel-proof bird feeder is the Bird Shelter Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder by Opus, Inc.  This squirrel-proof bird feeder has a sleek shape and is designed to keep the squirrels away with its unique weight activated system.  It is ideal for feeding a variety of smaller sized birds including finches and other types of songbirds.
  • The Squirrel Dilemma Easy Feeder BirdFeeder by Perky Pet is sure to keep the squirrels out of your bird feeder and is easy on the wallet.  This squirrel-proof bird feeder consists of a tube covered by wire that makes it easy for the birds to reach the bird seed, but not the squirrels.  It has 6 feeding ports and can hold up to four pounds of bird seed, so it allows to feed multiple birds at one time and doesn’t require a lot of refilling.

Make Cleaning Up Dog Waste a Breeze with a Pooper Scooper

If you enjoy spending time  in the yard with your dog or with family and friends during the spring and summer, cleaning up your yard and removing your dog’s waste is a necessity.  Cleaning up dog waste is much easier and not as distasteful with a handy pooper scooper.  Many pooper scoopers have long handles that require less bending and are easier on your back.  In addition to being easier on your back, it is also more sanitary to use a pooper scooper to pick up dog waste.  Here are a few pooper scoopers that are sure to make cleaning up your yard a breeze!

  • The Four Paws Two Piece Rake & Scoopis available in two sizes, small and large, and ideal for picking up small or large piles of dog waste.  This pooper scooper has 37 inch long handles, so you don’t have to bend down to the ground to pick up dog waste.  The two piece set includes a rake that is ideal for gathering up little or big pieces in grass and makes it easy to scoop it into the scoop.  Both pieces are very durable and made of stainless steel for lots of use.  This pooper scooper is ideal for use in the grass. 
  • The Two Piece Spade Pooper Scooper Set is another long handled pooper scooper set that is designed for use on hard surfaces, such as sidewalks and driveways.  This set includes a stainless steel spade and scoop that are rust resistant and 37 inch long handles.
  • Another sanitary pooper scooper to use for picking up dog waste is the Four Paws Scissors Style Plain Sanitary Pooper Scooper.  This pooper scooper has a scissor style scoops that make picking scooping up dog waste easy.  The long handles make it less likely that you will need to bend down.  The scoops are made of rust-resistant aluminum and the handles are made of wood.   

Pre-Filled Bird Feeders Make Feeding the Birds Easy


If you love watching the birds in your yard, but don’t want to spend the time refilling your bird feeders on a regular basis, a pre-filled bird feeder will take the hassle out of refilling your bird feeder and is very convenient to use.  Pre-filled bird feeders are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles and will attract various types of wild birds to your yard.  Here are a few of my favorite pre-filled bird feeders to choose from that make bird feeding a breeze:

  • Attracting finches and other types of songbirds is easy with the Ready to Use Nyjer Sack by C and S Products.  This handy sack is filled with high quality Nyjer bird seed that is ideal for attracting and feeding finches.  Just open up the package and hang on a tree limb or post in your yard.  Finches love to cling and feed from the sack, so this pre-filled bird feeder is perfect for novices or experienced bird watchers.
  • The Peanut Butter Hanging Feederis a pre-filled bird feeder that contains suet and is ideal for attracting and feeding a variety of birds in your yard.  Peanut butter is a great source of protein and fat for the wild birds and this pre-filled feeder is very convenient and easy to use.  The container is designed to be easily hung on a branch or post for the birds to enjoy. 
  • To make feeding hummingbirds easier and more convenient, try a pre-filled hummingbird feeder to attract the hummingbirds to your yard.  The four pack of Prefilled Hummingbird Feedersby Audubon Woodlink makes feeding hummingbirds very simple and quick.  Each bottle is filled with nectar and made of recycled materials.  After the bottle is empty is may be thrown out to avoid having the hassle of cleaning out the feeder.

Keep Your Dog or Cat Hydrated with an Automatic Pet Waterer

With the weather getting hotter, it is important to think about keeping your dog or cat hydrated indoors or outdoors.  It is a good idea to have a supply of fresh water available to your pet all day long.  Your pet should have easy access to the water to allow your pet the freedom to drink the water as he or she needs it throughout the day.  Whether your pet stays indoors or outdoors, using an automatic waterer is ideal because it conveniently supplies your pet with fresh water throughout the day and  only needs to be filled up once a day.  

One of my favorite automatic waterers is the Deluxe Fresh Flow Pet Watererby Petmate.  This automatic waterer is designed to give your pet a constant supply of fresh water, while adding oxygen to the water.  It also naturally cools the water and filters the water to take out pollutants.  The water reservoir holds up to 50 ounces and is translucent, so it is easy to see when it needs to be refilled.  There is an air flow control valve to monitor the amount of air that is in the water and an on/off switch to save on electricity when not being used by your pet. 

Another great automatic waterer for your pet is the Ultra Bubbler Pet Fountain, which is also made by Petmate.  This automatic waterer is made to supply your pet with a constant supply of fresh water without the use of a filter.  It also has an adjustable air valve to control the amount of air in the water and can hold up to 1.5 gallons of water.  The water reservoir is easy to fill up and the base is skid proof.  Just fill up the waterer and let your pet enjoy fresh water all day long.

Help Your Dog Relax this Spring and Summer with a Calming Supplement

It’s hard for a dog to relax during the Spring and Summer if he or she is terrified of bad weather, loud noises and more.  A calming supplement works great for helping to reduce your pet’s anxiety and stress caused by thunderstorms, fireworks, gun shots, vet visits, and traveling.  There are a variety of calming supplements that are effective for use at home and on the go.  In addition, many calming supplements are made with natural ingredients that are safe to give to your dog. 

For home use, try a spray or plug-in to help keep your dog calm, while at home.  A spray like Comfort Zone Spray DAP for dogs may be used on your dog’s bedding or any place where your dog likes to rest.  To help make a living space more comfortable for your dog during a stressful period, the Comfort Zone with D.A.P. Plug-inworks like a regular plug-in and fills the room with D.A.P. that is just like the natural reassuring pheromone produced by female dogs during nursing.  Either one of these calming supplements is ideal for use when your dog is left alone and natural helps to calm your dog and reduce barking, whimpering and other destructive behaviors. 

For use when traveling, there are a variety of calming supplements that may be given to your dog orally.  Vets Best Comfort Calmis a chewable tablet that may be given to your dog to relieve anxiety and stress.  It contains Tryptophan to naturally calm your dog during travel, vet visits, thunderstorms, fireworks and more.  Another calming supplement that is tasty and easy to administer to your dog is the Pet-Ease Soft Chews for Dogs . These tasty treats are soft and chewy and have a chicken flavor that dog’s love to it.