Take Care of Your Backyard Birds in the Winter


Taking care ofyour backyard birds in the winter is easy and helps to keep attracting birds to your yard all year long.  By doing a few simple things for your backyard birds, you will help them to survive throughout the winter.  And don’t forget to maintain their habitat throughout the winter to keep them healthy and happy.  Here are a few tips for keeping up your bird habitat all winter long:

  • It’s cold outside!  Don’t let your birds get too cold outside by providing them with shelter in the winter.  While you shouldn’t have too much maintenance throughout the winter, it is a good idea to make sure your birdhouses have been cleaned out if they are no longer being used.  Also, choose birdhouses that can accommodate different types of birds, like the Starfish Retro Chic Birdhouse, which comes with an adaptor to change the size of the hole to suit a variety of birds.  You can provide the birds with nesting material, such as Nester Refill, when it is harder to find nesting material.
  •  Feed us!  Keep your bird feeders filled with lots of bird seed. It is a great idea to use larger feeders that can accommodate several birds at one time.  Also, choose a bird seed that is high in oil, which helps to keep the birds warm and toasty all winter long by increasing their amount of body fat.  A great bird seed to use is the Birdlovers Thrive RX Stress / Survival Blend, which is high in oil and protein.
  • Something to drink?  You may forget this basic need, but don’t because birds need a fresh supply of clean water all winter long.  If you have a birdbath, keep it clean and filled with fresh water.  To help keep the water from freezing over, use a birdbath heater such as the Economical Birdbath Deicer.  This heater just sits in the birdbath and all you need to do is plug it in.