Clean and Condition Your Dirty Dog for the Spring

If you have a dirty dog that is hasn’t been washed all winter, now is a great time to start your spring cleaning off right by giving your dog a good scrub in the tub.  Clean off dirt and grime that has accumulated over the winter to make your dog look and smell fresh and clean.  Use a good, deep cleaning cleanser and plenty of warm water to get your dog’s coat looking great.  After cleaning, follow-up witha conditioner to help soften and detangle the fur and blow dry for a polished look.  Choose a shampoo and conditioner that will complement your dog’s coat:

  • If you dog is really dirty and stinky, use the Stinky Dog Shampooby Bobbi Panter.  This shampoo is made with oat and vegetable protein and a combinatiof of lavender, rosemary and aloe vera to give it a nice, fragrant scent.  This shampoo is sure to make your dog smell great and is formulated to be tear free and gentle. 
  • If your dog’s coat feels dry and brittle and his or her skin is flaking, use a shampoo like TropiClean Papaya Plus Pet Shampoo to help moisturize and condition the coat and skin.  This shampoo may be used on dogs or cats and is made with papaya, which makes the skin and coat look healthy and shiny.
  • For dogs, who need a quick shampoo, but also need a conditioner to detangle hair, use the Bad Hair Day 2 in 1 Shampoo / Conditioner for Dogs to make cleaning a breeze.  This shampoo and conditioner is formulated to give your dog’s coat a good cleaning, while conditioning the coat at the same time.  This makes your dog’s bathing time quicker because it reduces the need for conditioning your dog’s coat and makes your finish grooming much easier.