Go Green All Year Long with an Environmentally Friendly Bird Feeder


Be kind to the environment and encourage recycling by using a bird feeder made from recycled materials.  When you purchase an environmentally friendly, you encourage companies to use recycled materials and you help to save useful materials from going into the landfill and creating more waste.  More and more companies are using recycled plastic milk cartons and more to make a new durable plastic lumber.  This material helps to resist mold, bacteria and a variety of diseases that are harmful to birds.  In addition, these types of bird feeders are very easy to clean and blend in well with nature to attract more birds to your yard.

One great environmentally friendly bird feeder for use in your yard is the Going Green Mixed Seed Wild Bird Feeder.  This bird feeder is made from a variety of recycled material and the base, top, tube and ports are all made of recycled materials.  Use a variety of bird seed, including mixed to bird seed to tempt the birds to come to your yard on a regular basis.  The clear tube makes it easy to see when your bird feeder needs to be refilled.  It is also easy to take apart and clean with a bird feeder cleaning brush.

Another popular environmentally friendly bird feeder is the Going Green Thistle Tube Bird Feeder.  Use this environmentally friendly bird feeder to attract finches, nuthatches, and more to your yard.  This bird feeder holds thistle seed that finches and other songbirds love to eat.  The base snaps out for easy cleaning and is easy to refill with thistle bird seed.

Treat your backyard bird to both suet and bird seed with the Going Green Recycled Plastic Ranch Seed and Suet Bird Feeder.  This environmentally friendly bird feeder can hold both suet and bird seed and allows you to feed multiple birds at the same time.  It is made from a variety of materials including recycled plastic and can hold two suet cakes and five pounds of mixed bird seed.