Feeding Your Pond Fish in Cooler Months

In most parts of the United States, water temperatures in Backyard Ponds start to dip in early fall.

Prepare for this shift by understanding how to start changing fish food and nutritional diets to accommodate the changes these cold-blooded friends will undergo.

We recommend following a Seasonal Feeding Cycle like Tetra Pond publishes. When temperatures are between 39°F and 50°F, a wheat-germ based diet is best for your pond fish. We like the Tetra Pond Variety Blend pictured to the right.

Wheat-germ is ideal to transition fish in (and out) of winter because it is highly digestible at low temperatures.

This is especially important because in the colder months, fishes’ metabolism and the pond’s ammonia-reducing biological activity are greatly diminished.

Additionally, a food that is highly digestible minimizes waste, allowing the pond filtration system to work more effectively for a cleaner ecosystem.