Preferred Foods of Common Birds


Different birds like different types of wild bird food. Sunflower seeds attract most seed-eating birds.

The most attractive sunflower seed is the black, oil-type. Another outstanding food is a type of millet, known as white prove or white millet. White millet attracts house sparrows and brown-headed cowbirds.

A common ingredient in mixes, peanut hearts, strongly attracts starlings. You can discourage house sparrows, brown-headed cowbirds, blue jays, and grackles while at the same time offering a moderately attractive food to cardinals and mourning doves by feeding safflower seeds.

Safflower is of little interest to other bird species, however.

American goldfinch hulled sunflower seeds, niger seeds, and oil-type sunflower seeds.
Blue Jay peanut kernels, black-stripe, gray-stripe, and oil-type sunflower seeds.
Brown-headed cowbird white proso, red proso, German millet, and canary seed.
Cardinal sunflower seeds of all types.
Chickadees oil-type and black-striped sunflower seeds, peanut kernels.
Dark-eyed junco red proso, white proso millet, canary seed, and fine-cracked corn.
Common grackle hulled sunflower seeds and cracked corn.
Evening grosbeak sunflower seeds and cracked corn.
House finch In Maryland, oil-type and black-striped sunflower seeds, sunflower
kernels and pieces, and niger. In California, white prove millet and flax
also readily taken.
House sparrow white proso millet, canary seed, and German (“golden”) millet.
Mourning dove oil-type sunflower seeds, white prove millet, niger, and German
(“golden”) millet.
Purple finch sunflower seeds and kernels.
Starling peanut hearts and hulled oats.
Song sparrow white and red prove millet.
Tufted titmouse peanut kernels, black-striped and oil-type sunflower seeds.
White-crowned sparrow oil-type sunflower seed, sunflower kernels and pieces, white and red
prove millet, peanut kernels and hearts, niger seed.
White-throated sparrow oil and black-striped sunflower seeds, sunflower kernels and pieces,
white and red prove millet, and peanut kernels.