Sweet Potato Dog Treats and Chews – the New Beef!

More and more people in America are buying for their own pets in a trend toward more natural and healthier eating among dog members of the family.

Many pets seem to be going vegetarian as well as their owners.

Because sweet potatoes contain beneficial nutrients such as complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, beta carotene, vitamin C, and Vitamin B6, to name just a few – sweet potato dog chews and dog treats are the rage among health conscious dog owners.  Pictured to the right are Beefeaters Sweet Potato Dog Snacks – a favorite among dog owners and dogs.

Sweet Potatos help stabilize blood sugar, which makes them a nice choice for diabetic dog treats. Sweet potato dog treats are not only beneficial for your dog, they are just plain yummy!

More and more people in America are cooking for their own pets in a trend toward more natural and healthier eating among the cat and dog members of the family. Many pets seem to be going vegetarian as well as their owners.