The Many Uses For Wee Wee Pads!

If you are looking to potty train a new puppy, look no further than the Wee-Wee Pads Puppy Housebreaking Pads, as seen to the right.  These pads are laced with a scent that magically attracts your dog to relieve himself on these pads.  They come in all sizes, so you can use them on toy dogs or even the largest breeds.  You can potty train your dog the same way as someone who wants their dog to go potty outside: give a “go” command and praise him when he does the deed.

Wee Wee Pads are not just for potty training a puppy.  If you live in an apartment, these Wee-Wee Pads can be a lifesaver.  It is not realistic to expect your dog to hold their bodily functions in while they make the travel from your apartment to the outside.  The outside of your apartment may not even have grass, making it extremely unlikely your puppy will even want to relieve himself outside.  Putting down these Wee-Wee Pads ensures your dog will not have any unwanted accidents in your apartment!

Even if you do not live in an apartment, the Wee-Wee Pads can come in handy.   During the winter time many small dogs are often up to their bellies in snow, making it very difficult for them to use the outside for a bathroom.  Tiny dogs also lose heat faster than larger dogs, making it particularly unpleasant for them to be outside during the winter.  Even larger dogs may not like going outside during the winter.  Snow, and especially salt, can irritate your dog’s paws.  It is easy to “train” your tiny dog to use the pee pad in the winter, as they will be attracted to the smell of the pad.  When spring arrives,  you can take the pee pad away and your dog will resume using the outside for their potty time.  You will have help your dog make transition from using the Wee-Wee Pad to going potty outside, but a positive systems of rewards will do the trick.

Older dogs are also ideal candidates for Wee-Wee Pads.  Older dogs commonly suffer from incontinence, which often involves them relieving themselves in the house.  Many times this can be due to an infection, so it is very important for you to take your dog to the vet to get him checked out.  Sometimes, your dog will have accidents in the house because of loss of muscle tone that prevents them from being able to hold in their urine.  Put down Wee-Wee Pads near your dog’s favorite areas of the house to prevent accidents.