Perfect Horse Grooming Kit

There are many reasons to groom your horse.  Of course, your horse loves to bond with you so that alone is a good reason. In addition you want to clean him so he will look good and feel comfortable.  When grooming you can check him for skin problems or injuries.    Grooming helps prevent him from getting sores from dirt under the tack when riding him.  Grooming your horse wiill make his coat shiny and his skin conditioned.  Finally, grooming will promote good blood circulation.

There are basic items you need to properly groom your horse.

– Hoof Pick for picking out the feet.

– Hoof brush used  for cleaning the feet.

– Large sponge for washing the horse.

– Sweat Scraper to remove sweat from your horse.

– Rubber Dandy Brush to remove heavy dirt and dried mud.

– Rubber Curry Comb to remove dirt and caked mud.  Also, for rubbing the skin. 

Plastic Body brush used to remove dirt, dust and scurf (dried sweat and dandruff) from the coat and skin.

Plastic Mane Comb for untangling the mane and tail.  Do not us a metal comb because they break off hair.

There a many horse grooming kits available.      The Roma Ultimate Horse Grooming Kit cotains all the essential grooming items.  They all fit in the sturdy box that is included with the kit. Great colors to choose from –  Purple, pink or blue. 

Roma Ultimate Horse Grooming Kit contains:

  • One (1) hoof pick with scraper
  •  One (1) hoof oil brush/can
  • One (1) large sponge
  • One (1) plastic sweat scraper
  • One (1) 7 inch plastic dandy brush
  • One (1) 5 inch rubber curry comb
  • One (1) 5.5 inch plastic body brush
  • One (1) 4 inch plastic mane comb
  • One (1) packet of 500 braiding bands
  • One (1) hoof oil brush/can

The Roma Ultimate Horse Grooming Kit makes a great gift for your horse lover.

Eco-Care – a TOP new GREEN pet product on Sale at

Housebreaking your new puppy can seem like a chore.

Eco-Care Puppy Training pads make a tough job easier with a carefully blended attractant to encourage your puppy to eliminate on the pad and not your carpets. For the first few weeks, when you cannot watch your puppy, confine him to an area with easy to clean floors such as tile, lament or wood. Place the pad on the floor as far away from his food/water and sleeping area as possible. He will quickly learn to pee on the pad, thanks to the special attractant. If your puppy is still having accidents, watch him closely and place him on the pad as soon as he starts to potty.

Timing is crucial. If you miss, you must wait for your next opportunity because you cannot teach him to go on the pad after the fact.

With a little time and a lot of patience, your puppy will be using the pads in no time!

Convenient and easy to use, Eco-Care Puppy Pads have a super absorbent polymer core, which converts liquid into gel to prevent leakage. They also feature a Triple-Action attractant that actually encourages dogs’ instinctive marking behavior for the quickest results. This carefully blended attractant uses a mixture of synthetic “marking” pheromones and attractant scents that encourage puppies to eliminate on thepad.

Eco-Care Training Pads are ideal for indoor dogs, puppies or sick dogs that can’t be walked during the day. Also great if you have to leave your dog alone for long periods of time.

Simple Solution’s alternative to their original pads. The innovative construction is created with groundbreaking technology that actually reduces landfill waste and maximizes absorption. Featuring an absorbent top sheet to prevent messy tracking, these innovative pads also include odor neutralizers to eliminate urine odors and advanced polymer technology to turn liquid into gel. The Eco-Care goal is to reduce 400 tons of landfill waste annually while helping you care for your pet. The Eco-Care training pads are made with 85% recycled fiber.

• 23 inches by 24 inches
• Made with recycled materials
• Features advanced polymer technology to convert liquid into gel
• Power odor control and attractant
• 50 pads per package

Birds Need Natural Environment Light


Did you know that your pet birds need full spectrum light for good physical and psychological health? The Zoo Med Avian Sun 5.0 UVB  compact fluorescent provides birds with safe levels of beneficial UVB and UVA.   This is the full spectrum light just like the get in their natural environment. 

UVB enables birds to synthesize vitamin D3 which is needed for proper calcium metabolism.  Calcium metabolism is necessary for normal growth, maintenance of strong bones, and egg production.   UVA is visible to birds and enables birds to recognize mates, locate food on their amazing bird feeders, and identify different species.  Birds are essentially colorblind without UVB.


The Zoo Med Avian Sun 5.0 UVB  is made to be used with the Avian Sun Deluxe Floor Lamp.  This lamp  has a weighted base for stability and is fully adjustable! The adjustable neck allows you to adjust the lamp for the perfect position. Place the lamp directly overhead your bird at least 12 inches away from your bird.  Do not place the lamp on the side of the cage because your bird will want to look directly at it and this could cause eye damage. Also, be sure to turn the light off at night so that your bird knows it is night time.

Easy Care Tips for Betta Fish

Betta Splendens commonly know as Bettas or Siamese Fighting Fish are popular pets.    The Bettas originate from Thailand living the shallow rice paddies.  Bettas are special in that they can breathe air from above the water’s surface.  Of course, they do need water, but this means they don’t need any aeration or filtration.  They can live in small bowls as long as the water is kept clean.   Never put two male Betta’s together.  Two males will fight to death (hence, the name Siamese Fighting Fish).  Females can live together.

There are a variety of Betta Bowls available from the basic Betta bowl to the decorative Betta bowlTetra’s Silver Glass Betta Bowl’s sleek design looks great on any desktop or coffee table.  It has a beautiful sleek silver design to highlight the Betta.   It includes an unique swiveling light arm that has a bettery operated energy-efficient LED bulb for powerful illumination giving a clear view of what the Betta is doing. Easy on/off one-touch switch. Size: 0.75 gallon.

After you choose a bowl, you need to add rocks and a plant. Bettas have delicate long fins. You must avoid jagged rocks or decorations because they can tear the fins.  Also, avoid hard plastic plants as they can tear the fins.   Silk plants work great for Bettas.

The bowl needs to be cleaned at least once a week and the water should be at room-temp.  Do not place the bowl in the sun, near a heating or cooling vent or near a draft.

Feed your Betta once a day and only feed the amount of food that can be eaten in 5 minutes.  Any Betta flakes, freezed dried brine shrimp or blood worms will work great.   Clean out excess food immediately.

With proper care a Betta can live up to two years!

Start Your Pet Channel and Their Care with TikTok

Welcome to the world of social media! In recent years, platforms like TikTok have become incredibly popular for sharing engaging content, and pet owners around the globe have found a creative outlet for showcasing their furry friends. If you’re a pet lover looking to connect with like-minded individuals and share the joy of pet ownership, starting a pet channel on TikTok can be a fantastic way to do so.

The Power of TikTok

TikTok, the viral video-sharing platform, has taken the world by storm. It allows users to create and share short videos featuring various content, including pets. With its user-friendly interface and extensive reach, TikTok provides an excellent opportunity to share your pet’s adventures, educate others about pet care, and even collaborate with fellow pet enthusiasts.

Tiktok campaigns from The Marketing Heaven have further amplified the potential of pet channels on the platform. These campaigns help boost visibility, increase engagement, and connect pet content creators with a wider audience. With their expertise in social media marketing, The Marketing Heaven can provide valuable insights and strategies to take your pet channel to the next level.

Creating Engaging Pet Content

When it comes to creating content for your pet channel, the possibilities are endless. Here are a few tips to make your videos more captivating:

  • Showcase Personality: Capture your pet’s unique quirks and showcase their personality. Whether they’re funny, mischievous, or incredibly cute, let their individuality shine through in your videos.
  • Include Training and Care Tips: Alongside entertaining content, educate your viewers about pet care. Share useful tips and tricks for training, grooming, or health maintenance to help pet owners take better care of their furry companions.
  • Experiment with Trending Challenges: TikTok is known for its viral challenges. Incorporate popular trends into your pet videos, but always prioritize your pet’s safety and well-being.
  • Engage with the Community: Respond to comments, collaborate with other pet influencers, and participate in pet-related hashtags to build a supportive and engaged community around your content.

Caring for Your Pet Channel

Running a successful pet channel requires time, effort, and responsible pet care. Here are some essential aspects to consider:

  • Health and Well-being: Ensure your pet is in good health and receives regular veterinary check-ups. Prioritize their well-being over creating content, and never force your pet to do anything they’re uncomfortable with.
  • Training and Socialization: Invest time in training your pet and providing opportunities for socialization. Well-behaved and confident pets tend to shine on camera.
  • Maintain a Safe Environment: Create a pet-friendly environment where your furry friend can explore and have fun without any hazards. Remove toxic plants, secure electrical wires, and keep harmful substances out of reach.
  • Balance and Moderation: While consistency is essential, don’t overwhelm your pet with excessive filming or stress-inducing situations. Strike a balance between creating content and allowing your pet to relax and enjoy their regular routine.

Remember, starting a pet channel on TikTok should be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your furry companion. Capture precious moments, spread positivity, and connect with pet lovers worldwide. With dedication and a little creativity, your pet channel can become a source of joy and inspiration for others!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your smartphone, set up a TikTok account, and embark on an exciting journey of pet content creation. TikTok campaigns from The Marketing Heaven are ready to support you in reaching new heights and making a pawsome impact!


Zupreem Voluntary Recall of FruitBlend Bird Foods

ZuPreem® is voluntarily recalling the 11/30/13 and the 11/13 expiration date codes of ZuPreem Medium/Large and Large FruitBlend™ With Natural Fruit Flavors maintenance formula bird foods. This voluntary recall is being initiated because two lots may contain calcium levels higher than the recommended level.
  • Did you know that APPA research indicates that every two years, the small animal category features a completely new audience?
  • Did you know that ZuPreem Pellets are the only brand tested and monitored for pesticides?
  • Did you know that ZuPreem has launched the ZuCrew, a new kids club program that focuses on how to care for a new pet.

Get the Perfect Cat Scratching Post

Do you know why cats  scratch the same area over and over?  It is their way of communicating and marking their territory.  First of all, the scratch marks leave a visual clue that they have been in the area.  Secondly, did you know that cats have scent glands in their paws?  When they scratch they leave an odor that can be smelled by other cats.  This is why your cat may be scratching a predominant object, like your table or sofa, in your house.  He wants everyone to know that he is there and that area belongs to him.   

In order to save your prized possessions, you must get a scratching post so your cat can mark his spot in your house.  If  you cat has already damaged an area in your house, cover that area with thick plastic to encourage him to stay away from that area.    The scratching post should be placed next to the covered area.  Encourage your cat to use the scratching post by playing with the dangle toys on the post or using catnip to scent the post.

If you have a kitty or a cat who is new to your home immediately find  two or three areas used the most by the cat.  For example: near the sleeping place, near the resting place and the area where he likes to play. Encourage your cat to use the scratching post by playing with the dangle toys on the post or using catnip to scent the post.


You can purchase a simple scratching post or an elaborate scratching post or one in between.  I suggest to have a couple different styles in your home.  The Seagrass Cat Scratcher  shown on this page is available in a case two. It allows both horizontal and vertical scratching surfaces.  It measures 12″in  diameter base and 19.5″ tall overall and includes a feather dangler.  Made in the USA.

A scratching post is essential for any cat. Cats will always have an urge to scratch so you must provide an outlet to save your household items.  More importantly, the scratching post is necessary for your cat to stretch and exercise, therefore vital to your cat’s good health.

Be Prepared If Your Pet Needs to Be Evacuated

If you and your pet need to evacuate your home, you may not have a lot of time to figure out what to take along.  The list of items below are what you should have packed and ready to go at a moment’s notice. Keep these items at an easy to access place.  Placing them in a large covered plastic container (expect, of course, the kennel) works well. 

This list is handy whether you are taking your pet with you or having the pet stay somewhere safe.  Right now, make a list of friends, relatives, pet-friendly motels, and kennels outside a potential disaster area so you can contact who ever you need in case of a pending evacuation.


  • All pets, need a collar and  identification tag.  The tag should have your cell phone number on the tag, not your home phone.
  • Current photos of your pet in case they get lost
  • Copies of updated vaccination certificates (this will be required by shelters)
  • Food- a minimum one week’s supply of food in water-tight container
  • Water – a minimum one week’s supply of one week’s supply of water
  • Leash and harness
  • Litterbox and litter for cats
  • Appropriate size pet carrier
  • Newspaper or towels for crate lining
  • Trash bags for pet-waste disposal
  • Any toy that your pet needs for comfort

Planning ahead for an evacuation route for your family and pets is crucial.   Do it now and be safe later!

How do I get rid of nasty litter smells?

There are few smells worse than the smell of cat litter lingering on long past it’s expiration date and unfortunately that expiration date comes about 24 hours after the offending act.  Caring for your cat’s litter box is not a chore to be missed.

Here are a few quick tips:

  1. Use scoopable litter and scoop twice a day. Regular scooping gets rid of the offending odor. As you scoop, add litter as needed to ensure that your cat box has a good layer for burying. After you scoop, you may want to sprinkle the top of the litter with either baking soda or the Ultimate Litter Box Odor Destroyer, even if you’re using an odor control little.
  2. Once a week, dump out all the cat litter and thoroughly clean the floor around the cat litter pan. Keeping the litter pan on tile or ceramic floor can help out with litter odor problems that are coming from carpet or a rug around the box.  If you have the box on a throw rug – make sure that this rug is washed once a week, too. Scrub out the cat litter box with a disinfectant or with white vinegar before you replace the litter. Make sure that everything around the litter box is clean. As you know, it’s easy for a cat to get urine outside the box, too. You can also vacuum up scattered litter before you put the box back.
  3. Use the layered trick:  Before you put the litter box back, add a thin layer of litter and then a layer of baking soda, carpet and room deodorizer or litter box odor control product. Then add another layer of litter and then finish with another layer of your odor control mechanism. This way, as your cat scratches after eliminating, they’re infusing odor control all through the litter.

Have you tried plastic cat litter box liners?

Plastic liners work much like garbage bags. You line the litter box with the plastic and then when it’s time to do the weekly dump, you just gather up the liner like a garbage bag, tie it off and throw it away. With these liners, you should have little scrubbing to do, since the cats are not going directly into the box.


Weather Shield for Your Outdoor Bird Feeder

I found the perfect weather shield for my outdoor bird feeders, the Brushed Copper Bird Feeder Weather Shield.  It is like having an umbrella for the bird feeders.   It serves to shade the sun on  my hummingbird feeders, therefore assisting in the keeping the nectar fresh. 
You know how bad the sun is for the nectar!  It keeps the rain from getting the birds
wet and keeps the snow off of them, too.   In addition, I noticed it deters squirrels since  they cannot grab on to the shield.

The best part about the Brushed Copper Bird Feeder Weather Shield is that it is beautiful.  The brushed copper finish with an embedded oak leaf design makes this an attractive addition your yard.

Easy to install over any hanging type feeder by using the the included plug and
hanger that goes through the hole in the baffle and is kept in place with the i
ncluded screw.  You just hang your feeder from the hook beneath the shield,
and then the top hook hangs the shield and feeder  from a branch or bracket.

Large dimensions of almost 18 inches wide at outer rim x 5 inches high.

Your birds will be cool in the summer and dry in the rain or snow and your feeders will look beautiful thanks to the   Brushed Copper Bird Feeder Weather Shield!


A Comfortable Home for Your Reptile

What is a reptile?  The dictionary defines a reptile as : A cold-blooded vertebrate of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. They are distinguished by having a dry scaly skin, and typically lay soft-shelled eggs on land.   So if you are planning on getting a reptile for a pet or have a reptile the following information will help make his vivarium comfortable.   Oh… A vivarium is a place for your reptile to live that is planned in natural conditions as if they were in their own habitat.  In other words, their home in your home.

Important things to remember when setting up your reptile’s home.

Keep the home:

– Away from excessive noise.

– Away from airborne contaminants like cigarette smoke, air fresheners and pesticides

– Away from extreme temperatures

– Away from drafts

– Away from other pets

– Away from small children


You will need to provide an artificial source of heat and light for your pet, but you still should place his home in a location that will expose the home to natural sunlight and a controlled temperature area.


When looking for a new reptile home, take a look a the new Zoo Med Repti Breeze Screen Cages.  The cages are incredibly affordable, attractive and high quality. Constructed from corrosion-resistant black anodized aluminum screening which will look great with any decor. They are  completely open air aluminum screen cages that include a hinged front door for ease of access ! The bottom door makes cleaning your substrate a breeze .   Recommended for  Old World Chameleons, Juvenile Green Iguanas and other arboreal species of lizards, such as Geckos, Anoles, etc.

In addition, all hardware is included and assembly is very easy requiring only a screw driver.

Available in 4 sizes.  One of the Zoo Med Rept Breeze Screen Cages is sure to make a great home for your pet reptile!


  • Small  – 16″ Width  x 16″ Length  x 20″ Height
  • Medium – 16″ Width x 16″ Length x 30″Height
  • Large – 18″ Width  x 18″ Length x 36″ Height
  • X-Large – 24″ Width x 24″Length  x 48″ Height