Keep Your Cat Happy with a Fun Cat Hideout and the best cat beds available !

A cat’s lifecat furniture is one of leisure, but to add some interest into your cat’s life, give your cat a cozy, interesting place to hide and play throughout the day and check in this site the best beds for your lovely pet to be comfortable and happy.  Choose a cat hideout that is sturdy enough to endure lots of scratching and climbing, made of a variety of textures and has a multiple levels.  Cat hideouts are mostly made in carpet material to withstand hours of scratching fun and lots of wear and tear, but are a variety of other material that are also cat friendly and durable.  There are several styles to choose from, but here are a few of my favorites.

The Burlap Cat Condo and Perchby Ware has a tough, burlap surface that is fun for your cat to scratch and durable to last for a long time.  The base of this cat hideout is covered and is comfortable for your cat to sleep or hide inside.  A scratching post on top is perfect for indulging in your cat’s urge to scratch and a dangling Cattachment Toy is perfect for swatting.  This cat hideout also a perch on top that makes a great lookout.

Another fun hideout for your cat is the Cat Tower Hideout by Ware.  This cat hideout has several levels for your cat to explore or relax.  Place your cat’s favorite toys at each level for a fun surprise.  Each level has a lookout hole for a great view of your cat’s surroundings and the top level has a screened in base that makes it easy for your cat to see everything.

If your cat loves to scratch the carpet in your home, the Sleepy Inn 2, which is also by Ware, is a perfect cat hideout for the cat who love the feel of carpet.  The sides, bottom and top are covered in carpet and provide hours of scratching fun for your cat.  Sprinkle some catnip on the top perch for even more entertainment.