Tips for Giving Your Dog Medication

For a dog owner and lover, nothing is worse than when your dog gets sick and requires medication.  Giving your dog medication can be a challenge, but if you follow these simple tips, it won’t be as difficult for you or your dog.  The type of technique that you use depends on the type of medication that your dog needs and you will learn quickly what works and what does not work for you.

  • Giving your dog a pill can be tricky.  You can start off by trying to giving it to your dog without the help of a treat or food.  To do this, place the pill in your dog’s mouth in the back of your dog’s mouth and massage the neck to help the pill down.  If you are having problems getting your dog to swallow the pill, place the pill inside your dog’s favorite treat and watch him to make sure the pill is swallowed.  If a treat does not work, you can try putting the pill in a hot dog and your dog is sure to take the pill.
  • If your dog requires liquid medication, a medicine syringe like the Easy Feeder Syringe for Pets by Four Paws works great.  Just load up the syringe with the correct dosage and insert it into your dog’s mouth.  This method is quick, simple and ensures that your dog gets the correct amount of medicine.
  • To administer ear medication to your dog, have your dog lay on the floor with his head on your lap.  Make sure that you can see the ear canal clearly, so that you can be sure of how many drops you are putting in your dog’s ear.  Once you have put in the correct number of drops, gently massage the ear base.

Remember to always speak gently when giving your dog medication.  Reward your dog with a tasty treat afterward for being a good dog!