Celebrate the 4th with Made in the USA Pet Products

Made in the USA Pet Products

The 4th of July is approaching fast and we think it’s a good time to reflect about the freedom that the United States provides each and everyone of us.  We may complain about the politics or the taxes – but supporting each other’s endeavors and those products that are made here in the US is something not many would care to argue.

GregRobert proudly offers a litany of US made products:

Pictured to the right in made in the USA Cosmic Catnip.

What is the difference between USA made Rawhide and inferior rawhide made overseas?

Rawhide is the inner layer of the hide of any cleft-hoofed bovine livestock.  Beef-Hide is premium rawhide made from cows raised for consumption.  American Beef-Hide is derived from corn-fed cows within U.S. borders. Corn-fed beef raised in the U.S. supply a thick, palatable and high quality chew. American beef-hide is considered “The Source” of choice for premium rawhide chews.