#1 Bird Watcher Myth of All Time!

True or False: Only a few birds use bird baths, so it’s not worth having one.


On the contrary, all birds need a clean water source not just for drinking, but also for bathing and preening.

Many birds that are not interested in seed, suet or nectar may still visit backyards where a good bird bath or other backyard water source is available.

Not only do birds love bird baths, but us humans do to!  The sites and sounds of birds congregating and bathing in a birdbath is one of the joys of birdwatching.

Finally – mosquitoes love birdbaths too, if they are stagnant and not freshened often.  So if you have a birdbath, use a product like mosquito dunks to keep those nasty pests out of there!

Pictured to the right is our Lily Leaf Pedestal Bird Bath – at a great price, it is a customer favorite.  Just looks gorgeous in your yard or garden.