Summer Bird Watching Tips


Bird watching can be a fun, summer activity for the whole family. This outdoor activity may be done in your backyard, a park, or a rural area with lots of trees. For city dwellers, any wooded location is ideal for bird watching, but a nature walk in a local park can be the most fun for the whole family. Here are some helpful tips to remember when bird watching:

1. Remember to take along a pair of binoculars for up-close viewing of birds and their habitats. Binoculars make bird identification easier because you can view all of their intricate details. For bird watching from a long distance, choose binoculars that are either seven- or eight-power in strength. The more powerful binoculars tend to be heavier. Also, the size of the binoculars will determine the amount of light that enters into the lens. The most important feature is that the binoculars are sturdy and durable because you will want to use them year after year.

2. Bring a comprehensive bird guide to help identify local birds. Once you spot a bird, you will want to look it up for identification. This is especially helpful if you are in your own yard and want to attract a particular type of bird.

3. Stay quiet, so you can listen to the birds. Listening to a bird’s song is just as important as watching birds for identification. By listening carefully to the birds around you, you should be able to identify them by their song. Before you go out bird watching, you may want to purchase a CD with a variety of bird songs to help with identification.

4. Be an early riser. Birds are very active and vocal in the morning. The increase in activity makes birds easier to identify by sight and sound.

5. Don’t forget your camera. Once you spot a beautiful bird, you will want to capture it on film to share with others. You may also want to start a scrapbook of all the interesting birds you have seen.