Pretty in Pink Dog Fashions this Summer

“A pooch in pink is surely a pretty pooch!”said a very famous dog Mom one day.

“Not every dog can wear pink well, but when they do, it was surely bought from GregRobert Pet Supplies.” – said a man holding a bottle of beer.

Interested in a pink summer dress for your pooch to spend warm evenings relaxing beside you on your patio or porch? Or looking for a hot pink leash to glisten in the sun while you take Fido for her morning walk?

Whatever you are searching for in the PINK arena, be sure to visit first for great deals and a great variety!


The One-Eyed Yeti has hit the shelves at

Quaker (SherpaPet) introduces the YETI Plush Toy.

YETI dog toys features Chew-Guard technology for extreme durability, yet are fun, colorful squeaker toys.

Chew Guard Technology™ is a proprietary manufacturing process that adds a super tough, durable liner to every toy. The Chew Guard lining was specially engineered to withstand the daily rigors of a dog’s play. Dogs are tough but Chew Guard is tougher! All seams are double stitched and reinforced as well. Chew Guard Technology toys should stand up to your toughest chewers.

Pulling strength <30 kg.
Heavy Duty thread to reinforce the seams
Bite Pressure – Extremely high
Funability – Endless

Yeti dog toys are made with Chew Guard™ technology and are specially constructed for heavy duty use.

*Please note: Some dogs will chew through anything including your refrigerator door… Chew Guard Technology™ cannot stop those dogs but it sure can try. We are in pursuit of the toughest soft toy known to dog-kind.

Machine washable!

Mini: 6.5″ x 6.5″ x 2″
Regular: 10″ x 8″ x 3″ Announces “Dog Days of Summer Sale” for Wild Birds



When the temperatures soar, those friendly little feathered friends can stop soaring if they are not given enough water!  We’ve talked and talked about the necessity of offering feathered visitors some water  – but during these stifling hot days throughout most of the US – it is even more important.

With RachelsRobin’s Dog Days sale – you can stock up on NEVER MELT SUET and a bird bath – save big and use coupon dogday to save even more.

Many people think they have to spend hundreds on an effective bird bath, but that is simply not true. One of our favorites is just $10 and does an absolute splendid job keeping your feathered visitors happy and hydrated.  The Perky Pet Water Cooler.  It holds 1.5 quarts and is easily carried around to hang wherever the birds come.

Stop on by and let us EARN your business with our quick smiles, knowledgeable  staff and great prices at

Dog Day’s of Summer Sale is in Full Swing – Tell your buddies!


Our front page image tells it all – the “Dog Days of Summer Sale” is here once again at GregRobert Pet Supplies and we think it’s going to be the biggest and best of all time.

First there are the obvious items you should purchase for your pet, like an outdoor pet watering device that works automatically, but there are some not-so-obvious items that can be a huge savings for the summer traveler that loves to bring the little pet along.

If you are ‘road tripping’ it, consider getting an auto seat  liner to save on hair getting in the crevices of your vehicle as well as keeping fido safe on quick stops.    We also LOVE the handi-drink instant dog waterer to keep fido as hydrated as you.

There is so much more, so PLEASE stop by and be prepared to save a bundle on a bundle of summer fun with your pets!

A tribute on Father’s Day from All Dogs …

The owner of GregRobert Pet Supplies is my husband and a wonderful Father to our four children and our wonderful, aging dog, Jake.

I saw this and felt it would be a wonderful tribute to all “Father’s and Dog Daddies” everywhere – enjoy:

Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, give their home and all they have, to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I’d ask …

To a poor and lonely stray I’d give:

– My happpy home.
– My bowl and cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
– The lap, which I loved so much.
– The hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice which spoke my name.

I’d Will to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place I had in my human’s loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds.

So, when I die, please do not say, “I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand.”

Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to HIM.

This is the only thing I can give … The love I left behind.

——- Author Unknown.

Untethered Pets are as Dangerous as Texting in Vehicles

More than 8 states now have laws requiring pets to be kenneled or tethered when in a car.

Pets are shown to be as distracting to drivers as cell phone usage and texting.  Many different types of pet barriers and safety devices are now available to the pet owner.

Why is it important to keep pets tethered when riding in cars?

  • A 60 lb. pet becomes a 2,700 lb. projectile at just 35 MPH. What people come to realize only too late is that animals act like flying missiles in an impact and can not only hurt themselves but hurt their human family members, too
  • Unrestrained pets delay emergency workers’ access to human occupants. Injured pets may bite first responders and rescue workers.
  • Pets may escape through a window or open door and cause a second accident.
  • Driver distraction is common when unrestrained pets are rambunctious.

“Pet restraint is a somewhat emerging issue,” AAA spokeswoman Heather Hunter says. “While some states do have legislation in place, there is much more to be done regarding tracking of these laws, filling gaps in states that do not yet have laws and education on the importance of restraining pets in moving vehicles, to protect the pet and all family members.”

Pictured in the upper right is Four Paws Safety Seats which are very easy to use and they are available in multiple sizes for the perfect fit.  For dogs that prefer to stay in back, there are wire mesh barriers available.

Animal protection and automobile safety officials nationwide are starting to unleash a new message:

Restrain your pet on the road.


Touched by a Human – Will a bird be abandoned?

If I handle a baby bird, won’t its parents pick up my scent and abandon it?

It’s a myth that parent birds will abandon young that have been touched by humans—most birds have a poor sense of smell, and birds in general identify their young using the same cues we humans do—appearance and sound.

It’s perfectly safe to pick up a fallen nestling and put it back in the nest, or to carry a fledgling out of danger and place it in a tree or shrub.

Enjoy our big brand sale and use the coupon below:

Pet Appreciation Week is Here!

It’s the first week of June, which means it’s Pet Appreciation Week.

This week is about going the extra mile and really showing our furry family members how much we love and cherish them.

According to these statistics from Petfinder, we sure do have a lot to appreciate when it comes to our pets:

  • Nine in ten pet owners say they consider their pets to be members of their family.
  • About 50% of pet owners admit they talk to their pets, and 80% of these people stated that on those occasions, the animal seemed to respond by means of sounds, facial expressions, or body language.
  • 80% of dog and cat owners surveyed feel that their pet can sense their moods.
  • Three in four dog owners believe that their dogs try to make them feel better when they are unhappy.
  • 70% of dog owners and 31% of cat owners expect their dog to come rescue them if they are in distress.
  • While a solid majority of American households (57%) currently have dogs, cats, or both pets in residence, virtually everyone—more than nine in ten—would like to have either or both of these animals as household members.

So, how can you celebrate Pet Appreciation Week with your pet?

  • Buy them a special treat.
  • Take them on a special outing—check out a new park or beach, or even just switch up your walking route.
  • More toys!
  • Freshen your pet up with a bath and some grooming.
  • Lots of extra hugs and kisses!

Keep Hangers and Poles in your View for Best Results


Is your largest feeders hung on an available tree deep in your yard?

Can you even  see it from the house?

These feeders are usually filled on nice days, but they may go unfilled at times because it’s easy to forget about a feeder that you don’t regularly see! Not to mention nasty weather can keep us from filling a feeder that is not in our view.

Rather than let the birds go hungry, why not invest in a couple of poles and hangers that can be used to move feeders closer to the house and also in position for better bird viewing?

Pictured to the right is the effortless bird feeder that actually slides down the pole for filling!

Move your feeder now when the ground is not frozen and the weather is nice. With a little forethought and action, you can be enjoying beautiful bird views all summer and winter long from the comfort of your house—and filling feeders will be easier than ever!

6 Steps to Better Bird Feeding


1. Put out the welcome mat
Help fight habitat loss by landscaping with native plants. Native plants provide nesting sites and shelter from predators. Be sure to offer plenty of feeders, nest boxes and water.

2. Prepare a proper menu
There’s no substitute for delicious and nutritious seeds, nuts and fruits. Selective mixes draw specific birds for your viewing pleasure. Refill feeders often.

3. Keep it clean
Dirty or uncleaned feeders are breeding grounds for disease. Clean feeders at least twice a month with a 10% solution of bleach in warm water. Keep seed and foods dry. Discard food that smells musty, is wet or looks moldy.

4. Birds and chemicals don’t mix
Many pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are toxic to birds. Avoid using these near areas where birds feed, bathe or rest. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions.

5. Keep cats away from birds
Birders love all kinds of animals. Protect your feathered friends by keeping cats indoors. Install feeders in areas not readily accessible to cats and install fences or other barriers to keep stray cats from feeders.

6. Reduce window collisions
Collisions with glass windows kill millions of wild birds every year. Windows can trick birds by reflecting the sky or vegetation. Cover problem windows with a screen, decals or other decorations. Consider moving feeders to within three feet of windows so birds cannot accelerate to injury level speeds.